

Expiry of EndNote Online enhanced accountsĪfter you have left the University, the account will be 'downgraded' to a Standard account, but none of your data will be lost in the process.EndNote™ is a reference management solution with both a desktop and online component. See EndNote’s list of ways you can register for an EndNote Online account for more details. You can also try accessing Web of Science through the University subscription and then choose the EndNote tab at the top of the screen to access EndNote Online. If you do not have ‘Web of Science’ under the Account Information and you do not see the UoY styles, try logging in from a campus PC or through the VDS. With an enhanced account, you should see York specific styles such as UoY - Harvard when you go to Format | Bibliography and view the bibliographic style list.


An enhanced account should show ‘Web of Science’ under ‘Account’, with an expiration date of when you’ll need to log in again from a campus PC to keep the enhanced account. Note: To check you have the enhanced version, go to the person icon in the top right hand corner of EndNote Online, choose Account | Subscription. To register you will either need to be on a campus PC or use the Virtual Desktop Service to access a virtual Windows 10 desktop which acts like a campus PC.Ĭhoose Register and sign up using your University email addressĬomplete the registration form, making sure that you read the Password Rules before choosing a suitable password (for security reasons, do not use your UoY password).


Once you have registered to use EndNote Online, you can access it from anywhere with a computer connected to the Internet. EndNote Online is available to anyone, but members of the University of York qualify for a free, enhanced account.
